Challenge Coin Nation

Unique Military Gifts

We make stock and custom challenge coins, morale patches, reflective belts, aircraft flags, lanyards, pins, belt buckles, stickers, and aircraft mechanic themed clothing.

B-52 Bomber - Aka The Boeing B-52 Stratofortress

B-52 Bomber - Aka The Boeing B-52 Stratofortress

Well now, folks, gather 'round and meet the Boeing B-52 Stratofortress - a real badass of the skies. This bird ain't no spring chicken; it's been cruising the wild blue yonder since the '50s. Built by Boeing, it's a long-range, subsonic, jet-powered bomber that's as American as apple pie. With more stories to tell than your grandpappy's fishing trips, this ol' gal is still flyin' high thanks to some fancy upgrades. It's the kind of plane that makes you tip your hat and say, 'Now that's what I call a bomber!' So buckle up, partner, 'cause this here flying machine is a legend in its own right.

Challenge Coin Set of ThreeCyber Awareness Jeff Challenge Coin DoD CAC CardCustom reflective PT beltBlue Falcon Morale PatchA-10 aircraft on a color US flag backgroundAirframe & Powerplant Certified Technician Patch - Aircraft Maintenance (A&P)

About US

We at Challenge
Coin Nation
are a veteran founded company and are honored to be able to
continue serving our brothers and sisters in arms all over the world. We sell
many different military themed items, but challenge
are our specialty. Check out some of our items below. Oh, and you
might ask, “How much is shipping?” That’s an easy question. Shipping is free –

Shop for more military products and gifts at these pages:

Challenge Coin
Nation Home

Custom Morale Patches

Custom Military Coins

Custom Reflective

ID Lanyards

Lapel Pins