
Things to know about A Neverending Story
    Picture this, someone comes up to you and asks, out of good will and nostalgia: hey, remember that movie Falcor Neverending story? And you could say sure and engage on a full discussions and appreciation of kids movies...
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My experience in the E4 Mafia
            I have been in the military for years. In all that time I never felt the need to get promoted past the rank of specialist E4. there are many like me in this regard and most of the time...
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Military Specification Equipment
  When I was a kid, I would always collect weird and cool stuff. Like I got into a rock collecting phase and also strangely enough a bottle cap collection. Now as I fight for my country, I’m still that...
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US Navy Aircraft Carriers
    Aircraft carriers are warships that even come from old wooden ships that used to serve for the transport of balloons, and have achieved the evolution to nuclear propulsion ships that can transport dozens of fixed and rotary winged...
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What are Challenge Coins Used For?
 Uses of Challenge Coins The challenge coin offers a popular means of boosting morale within your organization along with advertising the services your company offers. Starting in the early part of the 20th century, challenge coins became a popular way...
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The Challenge Coin Nation Blog covers both serious and humorous articles of interest to our customers. We have articles about: Challenge Coins, Morale Patches, Military Aircraft Flags, Belt Buckles, Aircraft Pins, Reflective Belts, ID Lanyards, Mechanic Themed Clothing. Maintainer Nation Products, and Military Stickers.

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