
Search and Rescue SAR, or as it is more commonly known, Search and Rescue, has been around for centuries in one form or another. Each modern-industrialized country has a slight variation of SAR but they all boil down to the...
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The Fun Meter What started out as a fun military patch might have accidentally been promoted to a self-boosting life philosophy and thus been extended far beyond the military branch it once originated from. In the most basic terms,...
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Anyone would be excused for not normally associating elephants with flight since pachyderms can't fly. So, it may surprise some that elephant walk has actually been a term in use by the United States Air Force for decades. An "elephant walk"...
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It was not long ago that the designing process for a coin was a long and arduous one. Because of the manufacturing techniques, there were limitations to the details and intricacies of the design that often frustrated those who...
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Although the production process of creating coins has improved over the centuries, the basics have not changed over the years. To create a challenge coin starts with a custom design, then employing that design to the machines which manufactures...
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