What exactly is a Pizza Strike?
Well that’s a little complicated. It all started on a military deployment that had very low morale. When the B-1 Bomber (America’s workhorse) goes to a region, it brings a set of unique problems.
The Tuskegee Airmen. In 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt directed the Army Air Corps to accept black Americans into aviation cadet training. The Air Corps, like all other components of the United States Armed Forces, decided to segregate black...
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Maintainer Nation There are plenty of clothes out there that help in showing the brand you represent and what sort of style you want to portray. One way to show military pride, for instance, is buy sporting a Maintainer Nation...
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US Monitoring Rероrtѕ of Russian Trоорѕ іn Sуrіа The Whіtе Hоuѕе ѕаіd іt wаѕ monitoring rероrtѕ Russian troops аnd аіrсrаft have bееn deployed to Sуrіа tо assist Prеѕіdеnt Bаѕhаr Aѕѕаd'ѕ fоrсеѕ. Thе comments came after Syrian ѕtаtе mеdіа rероrtеd Ruѕѕіаn...
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The history of the challenge coin is great and controversial, much like our president. Regardless of one's political stance though, it's the belief of the staff at Challenge Coin Nation that the president of the best country in the world should have a better challenge coin, so we made it.
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