
As a private in the military being away from my family is hard. I miss coming home from a long day of work to be greeted by my mother’s freshly cooked dinner. Sitting down and having and having a decent...
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The ASVAB is a highly regarded vocational skill's verification test for entry into the U.S. Armed Forces, developed by the Department of Defense, which has been evaluated and reviewed multiple times. The goal of the test is to measure the...
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Marines Semper Fidelis General Mattis Bottle Opener Challenge Coin Whether you are a Marine or not, most Americans know the term "Semper Fi." The Semper Fi meaning is abbreviated from the Latin phrase "Semper Fidelis." The phrase and the Semper...
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He was an American citizen who was born in a Manhattan neighborhood called Inwood, and served for four years in the Marines, doing sandhog work, subway work, known for tunneling, and other subway construction projects, known as urban mining. Chickie...
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During the golden age of pirates, just as it is today, flags were flown to identify ships on the sea. The flags' colors represented different countries.The color black was associated with death in many cultures, and so the pirates began...
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