
Ever hear the term “Three Percenter” or see a “Three Percenter” tattoo and wonder what it means? The concept was created in 2008 after a disputed claim that only three percent of American colonists fought in the Revolutionary War against...
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Each of the Thin Line colors is designed to represent and honor one of the many service-based careers. Two service groups for whom the Thin Line was developed are Emergency Responders and Military Armed Forces personnel. What are the...
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What Does The Word Biohazard Mean? chemical is a chemical or substance that poses a danger or risk to a human being, animal or environment. It can be anything from blood to viruses. Biohazard Symbol Meaning This symbol is a universal...
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SR-71 Top Speed The SR71, is a supersonic aircraft designed by the innovative American aeronautical engineer Clarence Johnson, and manufactured by the American aerospace company Lockheed, this aircraft was named Blackbird, the idea of its creation was an aircraft for reconnaissance...
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Although the plane itself took its first flight more than 55 years ago, the SR-71 Blackbird is still the fastest jet engine plane ever constructed. Its incredible speed combined with sleek, futuristic appearance has made it highly popular in terms...
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