By far the most common Rank in the United States Army is the E4 specialist rank. Comprising about one-fifth of all the army they hold power in numbers that have earned them the title of the E4 Mafia....
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The United States Military, Navy and other defense forces purchase equipment, machines and supplies costing billions of dollars. To ensure reliability, uniformity and quality all these supplies should be manufactured according to the specifications which are defined by...
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During the reign of E-9 Cody I began compiling a list of things that the Air Force needed to fix. To be fair, none of the items were original with me, they were either things I had observed or...
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Tactical Monkey or Mil-Spec Monkey is a supply and outfitting company for military personnel and law enforcement officers. It specializes in designing rugged tactical gear and apparel that resist the harsh conditions needed for this uniformed personnel when performing...
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Perhaps you have been wondering what is a ap license. It is noted that an airframe and power plant license is a combination of certificates that are offered by the Federal Aviation Administration. These certificates are necessary in order for...
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