
US Air Force: B-1 Bomber Facts
The B1 Bomber is an aircraft with strategic bomber characteristics, with four engines and variable geometry wing, with a configuration that allows it to vary its shape depending on the conditions that are presented in flight, exploiting to the maximum...
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USAF Ranks
U.S. Air Force ranks are divided into three major categories within the chain of command: Enlisted (E-1 through E-4), Non-Commissioned Officers (E-5 through E-9), and Commissioned Officers (O-1 through O-10). The letter and number in parentheses represent the corresponding title...
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How High is Your Fun Meter?
 The Fun Meter What is a fun meter in the military and how exactly is something like that measured? These are valid questions that might seem kind of odd to civilians, but you probably have some idea if you are in...
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F-16 Vs F-18 Speed
Although different in shape and easy to tell apart, the F-16 Falcon and the F-18 Hornet are in the same category of light, fast fighters. They were designed to compliment the larger, air superiority fighter such as the F-15 and...
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US Air Force C-17 Globemaster
 The Boeing C 17 Globemaster is a military aircraft of the US Air Force, designed for military transport, with capacity to transport trucks with a weight of 45 t, M1A1, M2 and M3 tanks, 155 mm caliber self-propelled artillery vehicles,...
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