
Training Day:  Forms
Fucking forms, right?  Like herpes, forms never end, and just when you think you’re done another outbreak flares up. Therefore, I think we can all use a little training on forms since I keep catching hell--as all us crew chiefs...
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Trаvіѕ AFB Wеlсоmеѕ Hеrо Hоmе
TRAVIS AIR FORCE BASE, Cаlіf. (AFNS) -- Aіrmаn 1st Class Sреnсеr Stоnе, thе Airman whо helped fоіl a tеrrоrіѕt аttасk оn a trаіn іn Frаnсе Aug. 21, аrrіvеd аt Trаvіѕ Aіr Fоrсе Bаѕе Sерt. 3, with his mоthеr and brоthеr...
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Turkey Day Revolt
There are reports of a virtual revolt at Seemore Johnson (snicker) AFB this last  Thanksgiving Day. Apparently, a number of Services personnel who have grown tired of the DFAC (Dining Facility) still being referred to as the “Chow Hall”, began...
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Bison grazing at the foot of the mountains with the caption America the Beautiful
According to President Franklin Roosevelt, there are four necessary features of man's freedom. The military ensures these four freedoms by liberating us from fear and danger. With our Freedom of fear at hand, we can then exercise our freedom of want, freedom of worship, and freedom of speech and expression.
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Leadership & Challenge Coins
Everyone knows that most of the time the wrong people get awards for stupid crap or things they didn’t do. Meanwhile, the people who really did the work are standing at attention in a hot hangar watching the whole sad...
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Challenge Coin Blog

The Challenge Coin Nation Blog covers both serious and humorous articles of interest to our customers. We have articles about: Challenge Coins, Morale Patches, Military Aircraft Flags, Belt Buckles, Aircraft Pins, Reflective Belts, ID Lanyards, Mechanic Themed Clothing. Maintainer Nation Products, and Military Stickers.