Dr. Robert Underdunk “Bob” Terwilliger, Jr., also known as “Sideshow Bob,” is a character in the hit TV show The Simpsons. He appears in 14 episodes as a major character over the course of the show’s 31 seasons, speaking in 22 total....
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The pros and cons of fabric and PVC military morale patches. Challenge Coin Nation can help you decide which option is best for you.
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A true story about Lance, who was a seasoned USAF KC-46 Crew Chief and always wore his reflective belt, no matter where he was. It is a cautionary tale regarding reflective belts and how not to be a Lance.
The challenge coin dates back thousands of years to Roman times. Offering encouragement, boosting morale, and providing a sense of pride of belonging to an organization. From the Roman times to today, challenge coins have been a part of...
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USAF Coin History The history of the US Air Force goes back before it became an independent organization after World War II. Even when it was the Army Air Corps, serving in the organization was a source of pride for...
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