VFA-211 US Marines

The VFA 211 known as Strike Fighter Squadron 211, is a unit belonging to the US Navy aviation and is nicknamed Fighting Checkmates, founded in 1945, and three squadrons of this Navy during the time have been designated with that acronym, created in 1948, 1955 and 1959, the latter created as VF24 and changed to VFA 211.

The Navy's aircraft squadrons are made up of several aircraft, from four to a dozen, and are made up of the officers who fly those aircraft, the maintenance officers and sailors, administrative support officers and sailors.
This Oceana squadron and its equipment is made up of F18E Super Hornet aircraft.
This is the squadron's insignia represented by a character called Brutus who holds a rocket in his hands, with seven stars on the lower left and four on the right as the meaning of this squadron's number.
Facts of the VFA 211 Squadron
- It was in 1945, in Massachusetts, that the Seventy-fourth Bombing Squadron and was named VB-74, with an SBW 4E Helldiver as its first aircraft
- Was switched to Alameda making consecutive deployments to support in Korea on board the USS Boxer and USS Valley Forge
- In February 1952 the VF-24 was moved to Santa Rosa, California, and had its first jet fighter, the VF-24 with the USS Boxer went to Korea on its third combat tour, attacking in Pyongyang on August 29.
- On 9 March 1959, they were assigned to the Carrier Air Group, 21 aboard the USS Lexingtony were deployed in the Pacific between 25 April and 3 December 1959.
- During 1961, the squadron was transferred to NAS Miramar, where they spent 35 years.
- The VF-211 served in eight deployments in the Vietnam War.
- VF-211 in the 1970s caused eight confirmed deaths in the F8, for which they were called the MiG Assassins.
- In 1975, the squadron switched to F14A aircraft
- Deployed with the USS Kitty Hawk in 1985
- Support in the Gulf War in 1991.
- Return to F-14A in 1992
- They were the only F14 squadron in 1996 with CVW 9
- They embarked on a cruise in September 1997 to support the Persian Gulf.
- The VF-211 joined the USS John Stennis for a cruise, spending several months in the Persian Gulf during the conflicts with Iraq in 2000.
- In September 2001, the squadron was deployed to support the fighting over Afghanistan.
- It supported Operation Anaconda in 2002, making 1250 combat sorties, with 4200 hours of combat and dropping 100,000 pounds of artillery.
- Transition to the Carrier on the USS Enterprise in 2002
- At the end of 2003, they made the last F 14 cruise in support of combat in Iraq
- The squadron started the transition to F 18F and was called VFA 211
- VFA 211 Super Hornets in September 2006, bombed Taliban targets around Kandahar
- In 2010 and 2011, the Squadron joined with CVW-1 on the USS Enterprise for Enduring Freedom.

The services that this squadron gives to the homeland through the US Navy are invaluable, and have become a fundamental piece of support for the US forces.
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