Veteran's Creed

Veteran's Creed contains a mantra established by the Veteran Service Organization. The veterans had long experience in the military and have acquired considerable knowledge in the field. Keeping them productive through continuous service and leadership in their respective communities will benefit them and the nation. Setting aims for our beloved veterans will guide them to continue upholding the principles and values they learned in the military. Each tenet in the creed embodies the selfless characteristic that should manifest in the veteran community. It aspires to promote camaraderie and concern for the well-being of fellow Americans. For new veterans, the creed will help them become familiar with civilian life. It aspires to make all the veterans recognize their pride in service.
The military culture is composed of traditions and leadership structures that are distinctive and unique. Also, the culture keeps unique sub-cultures for each service branch. Each of these branches has its sets of rules, perspectives, and procedures that are one of its kind. The military culture is different to civilians and this attracts the feeling of disorientation among the veterans. It is never easy to be subjected to a new way of life after long years of service. The uniqueness of this culture can make our veterans dissociated with their communities. According to studies, over a quarter of the veteran population is having a hard time returning to civilian life after leaving the military. Those who can not cope tend to suffer from emotional traumas that have often led to suicides. The problem at hand needs a solution for the sake of our beloved patriots who have served us and served us well. Extensive discussions among veterans groups at Georgetown University have created an outcome that aims to help and support our veterans in their new life outside the military. It followed the presentation of the Veteran's Creed on June 14, 2018, at the Reserve Officers Association in Washington, DC.
The project was participated by several veterans service organizations, including the AmVets, HillVets, Disabled American Veterans, Paralyzed Veterans of America, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Military Order of the Purple Heart, Reserve Officers Association, Student Veterans of America, and Veterans of Foreign Wars and Wounded Warrior. The creed consists of eight tenets, and each holds the fundamental truth of every veteran. In the first tenet, our veterans confidently reaffirm the fact of their existence as a veteran of this great nation. The second tenet mentions the feeling of deep pleasure in the duties that they have performed for their country. Keeping the military values is affirmed in the third tenet. The fourth tenet contains the promise of continued service and unending support for their country and fellow veterans. In the fifth tenet, our veterans are reminded to preserve their physical and mental discipline. Continous leadership and improvement is the expression in the sixth tenet. The seventh tenet is an urge to make a difference in the community and their fellow veteran. The last tenet calls for action in remembering and honoring their fallen comrades.
Written by: jlhugo
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